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March 18, 2008


greta adams

i am soooo happy he is home and all is well... huge congrats to you and brian and of course the "BIG" sisters


I'm so glad your family is all together and under one roof finally! Congratulations!


How wonderful that your new baby is home. Congratulations.


So happy to hear your sweet little muffin is HOME! And before Easter, no less! Yay!


So happy to hear your sweet little muffin is HOME! And before Easter, no less! Yay!


Hurray! And that is one adorable baby boy you have, my friend! Love the pics and am SO glad he's home, I know what a toll it's been on you.

I feel so honored that B is wearing one of M's sleepers - check out this link for a pic:


They are brothers from another mother LOL


Michelle, your family is beautiful!
It's so cute that the girls were so excited to see him!
I'm so happy for you that you are all home together :)
Enjoy all of these precious moments!


What a relief for you all! It will be so nice for you all to relax and have some time with the whole fam for a couple of weeks. What a bunch to handle!


Yay. I'm glad to see the little man is home. The girls look like they are going to be great big sisters. Annika's eyes are so blue in that bottom photo.


Sooooo glad he's home! :-) Love the photos, they look so excited...too stinkin' cute!!!

Kristi S

yay!!! Great news to have Bennett home (FINALLY!) He is so handsome! I can't wait to see him and the girls on Sunday!


What a beautiful family! he's so adorable! so are your girls.


what an awesome day for you guys! now you are all together and 'normal' life can start! he is so adorable - just like his big sisters!


Congratulations! What a wonderful day, and I cannot even imagine the joy that you and Brian are feeling right now. Enjoy!

Leslie Collins

That is so awesome you were able to bring Bennett home. I am sure things will get back to normal soon.

The girls look like very good "big sister."

I hope that you are feeling somewhat back to normal. :)


Yay! Congrats to your happy little family!!
He looks so big and strong... it was strange to see him in those pictures with all the tubes and monitors on him. He didn't look like he belonged there!
It must be great that he can be your normal little at-home baby boy now!! Enjoy your little family!

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